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Lesson 1: Australian History and FLUTE
This is my most popular session, covers a large amount of history, sharing much of what has happened since 1770 through to today. I share historical fact and also share stories from my family. The idea is that by educating Australians with history, they will understand how we have wound up with such shocking conditions for many First Nation Australians in 2020. Education = Understanding = Empathy, and empathy is what will bring change. This session concludes with FLUTE, an acronym that helps challenge students to be history makers.
FLUTE stands for Forgiveness, Love, Understanding, Tolerance and Empathy
Lesson 2: First Nations Culture - Yidaki (didgeridoo)
This lesson covers First Nations music (which is a part of the Australian curriculum) story telling, Australian history and geography. It is a fun light hearted but serious session that covers a lot of information.
Lesson 3: First Nations Heroes, Proud Australians
Looks at Australia pre 1770 as a continent that was divided into unique Aboriginal countries, and then talks about our inability to look at our whole history holistically at times, and how that affects us today. This lesson encourages students to be active learners and look into First Nations heroes who hail from their Aboriginal country.
Lesson 4: Aboriginal Artefacts
This lesson is really cool. In this lesson, I share a bag full of artefacts that my grandfather passed down to me. Well over 100 years old, we have spears, boomerangs, a mulga shield, a heart stone and many more.
Lesson 5: First Nations Soldiers, ANZAC History
A shorter lesson, that talks about the reality of First Nations soldiers over the journey of Australia armed forces.
Lesson 6: Connection to Country, Acknowledgement of Country,
Welcome to Country
This one is one of my favourite lessons. We shot it on the banks of the Goulburn River (my home country) and I go into detail about “what is connection to country? And then explain welcome to country and acknowledgement of country. Our students are told these things are important and that they matter, but rarely have why it's important explained to them in a way that makes sense. Hopefully this session changes that.
Lesson 7: First Nations Protest and Change
Another really cool lesson! We drove to the mission at Cumergunja where many of my family lived. This mission actually features in the movie “the Sapphires” (which one of my cousins wrote about our aunties) This mission was also the scene of one of the first significant First Nations protests in our countries history, The Cumeragunja Walk Off, which happened in 1939. We actually recreated the walk off last year as a part of the 80th anniversary celebrations (and my band got to play at this event which was cool!) in this lesson, I talk about the walk off, as well as encourage students to be active learners and look into other pivotal stories, like the Wave Hill walk off, Charles Perkins Freedom Rides.
Lesson 8: Stolen Generation
This lesson is one that shares the reality of the Stolen Generation. Drawing on personal family stories and historical content, we look at a spot on mighty Dunghala (the Murray River) where Yorta Yorta Children would swim across to avoid the “Black Car” that came to take them. In this lesson I talk to my cousin and her mum, 90 year old Aunty Fran who lived through this time.
Coming Soon
Lesson 9: National Reconciliation Week - Full Version
A 30 minute video that explores National Reconciliation week in detail. The significance of the dates, some history around the week and ideas for how to respond to NRW.
Lesson 10: National Reconciliation Week - Short Version
A 10 minute “assembly” style video that explains National Reconciliation week. Why the dates of NRW are significant and what is an appropriate response.